My desk has a down side

So I've been storing xmas gifts up on top of the hutch of my desk. It's totally unreachable by the kids, and if the stuff's in boxes, they can't see it much either.

Cupcake likes to sleep up there. It's TALL and it gets her away from all the other cats.



For the record, drush gets very unhappy when you have drupal installs living inside each other. Luckily for me, I seem to have fixed the site, except that every. single. time. I upgrade, I have to recopy my .htaccess file back over again. I wish I knew why that happened, but it does. I could do something nutty like use teh googlez for it, but gosh, that's WORK and it's so much easier to just complain.

Look, A post I started and never posted!


Almost Christmas

So it's a week to Christmas. I've been trying to work and not having nearly as much luck with it as I'd like. My brother and his family are here, along with their 3 cats, which is making for a very full house. There are lots of dishes and lots of cleaning and lots of 'try to keep the kids occupied'. It's very tempting on most days to black hole certain sites at the firewall to force attention outward from the computer.


House of plague!

Mom and the kids have both been sick for most of the last week and change, I'm trying to work and failing a lot. I'm not really happy about that, it's damn frustrating. I feel like I'm letting everyone down, and it makes me unhappy.

At least I can test a patch for the theme. Seems to be working ok so far.

Things what I have done this weekend

Preparations are underway for the turkey partaking festivities. The house has been deteriorating for a while - between Earl working so many hours, and me working and the kids there's just no time, ever. This weekend, in no particular order:


Titles are for wimps

.. and the uncreative, apparently.

Insanity, I haz it.

Today is been a day of annoyances. It's culminating in my mouse wheel once again failing to scroll and that making me irrationally frustrated. I have a bunch of docs I need to write for TNT with the new Fusion release, and I have a bunch of stuff to do for a Logrus contract and NOTHING is going right today.

So much time, so little to do! No, strike that, reverse it


Seriously - unless you've been without one for a while, you may not know. I haven't had a dishwasher in 10 years. Steph and Chris offered theirs up when they moved and we happily pounced on it. We've had it for 3 days. It's been GLORIOUS. I finish using a plate or a fork or a glass and I PUT IT IN THE DISHWASHER and it BECOMES CLEAN and I do not have to do anything about it! It's AMAZING. 3 days and the kitchen hasn't looked utterly horribly disastrous!

Transition mostly complete

I'm set up on the new laptop now. There are some definite quirks with Win 7 to get used to, but having a laptop that can run both its own monitor and the big monitor so I have two heads is pretty fine.The desk setup is less than ideal,ergonomically, but we're going to get new desks for the office. I suspect I'll just get a second monitor and that should make a big difference.


Behold the shiny!

So Earl ordered me a new laptop last week and it showed up yesterday. I, of course, have failed to finish setting it up, and am still using my old T-61. I have to install a bunch of stuff and that takes all day. It's a Lenovo IdeaPad Z750. It came with Windows and Chrome, of all things, preinstalled. I may make a go at trying Chrome for my primary browser on the new machine; Firefox has just gotten worse and worse over time with the memory management.
