Titles are for wimps

.. and the uncreative, apparently.

It's been a busy couple of weeks. Domesticat visited for a few days while we went to BADCamp. I gave my first session, ever! A small group attended, several of whom I already knew, but I didn't really expect much for being the second to last session in a tiny, far off room on a sunday afternoon. I got to give away a copy of Drupal Building Blocks to someone who was pretty much completely new to the community. He seemed pretty excited by it and sent me a note via my contact form. Note to self: Probably should respond to that, since it's polite and all!

I've personally been splitting my time between updating docs and testing Drupal 7 themes for TopNotch and working on some stuff for Logrus, Inc - site building and whatnot. Kinda crazy and sometimes difficult with the kids around. There's always something that needs doing.