Listed here are the bot's enabled features and settings. Information about the bot's features is also available by asking it directly for "help", and then for more detail with "help <feature>" (such as "help Factoids"). This would best be done in a private message so as not to disrupt regular channel activity.


The bot connects to as botofchaos.

  • Auth: If you have a Drupal user account with the bot's host, you can "/msg BOTNAME login [username]/[password]" to authenticate your IRC session and gain additional privileges.
  • Factoids: Set factoids with "BOTNAME: Drupal is great.", "No, BOTNAME, cats are furry.", "BOTNAME: Drupal is also powerful.", "BOTNAME: cheer is <action>cheers for !who in !channel!", or "BOTNAME: ping is <reply>WHAT?!". Retrieve with "Drupal?" or "BOTNAME: cheer!" Forget with "BOTNAME: forget ping". PM with "BOTNAME: tell newb about support". Browsable at <>.
  • Karma: Keeps track of "karma" altered by "foo++" or "bar--". Terms must be 3 to 15 characters in length. "BOTNAME: karma foo?" gives the current karma score. Highest and lowest karma scores can be seen at <>.
  • Project URLs: Displays the title of project URLs; multiple URLs in a single message are acceptable. Also supports numerical IDs such as "#12345" or "4321", but only if that is the entirety of the message and the number is within a configured range. Popular and recent URLs in the past two weeks are tracked at <>.
  • Reminders: Reminders can be set with "BOTNAME: remind NICK (at|by|in|on) DURATION (about|how|that|to) MESSAGE". For example: "BOTNAME: remind Morbus in 1 hour and 6 minutes that his bot is awesome", "BOTNAME: remind me in 23 minutes to check my pot roast.", or even "BOTNAME: remind Monty on Wed, 12 May 2010 13:10:21 -0400 that this was when this code debuted."
  • Seen: If someone asks "seen Morbus", the bot will report the last time they've been seen, where, and what their last known message was. Directly addressing the bot will also allow the more complex syntax of "seen Morbus? seen d8uv?", "have you seen sbp?" and similar forms. * can be used as a wildcard, but only with a minimum of three other characters. A maximum of three results are displayed for any one request.
  • Tell: Queue messages with "BOTNAME: tell Morbus that his bot_module help messages are awesome." Queued messages will be delivered publicly when the recipient sends a message to the channel.
  • Timezones: Display timezones with "BOTNAME: timezone BST". Convert timezones with "tz 10AM MST to EST" or "tz 14:27 UTC in Europe/London". Timestamps are allowed if combined and with no spaces: "tz 2010-10-23T10:00 EST to UTC". All returned dates are DST-aware.