Behold the shiny!

So Earl ordered me a new laptop last week and it showed up yesterday. I, of course, have failed to finish setting it up, and am still using my old T-61. I have to install a bunch of stuff and that takes all day. It's a Lenovo IdeaPad Z750. It came with Windows and Chrome, of all things, preinstalled. I may make a go at trying Chrome for my primary browser on the new machine; Firefox has just gotten worse and worse over time with the memory management. G+, Facebook, and Trixietracker all have refreshes, and I'm aware that does chew things up some, but FF 6.1 either crashes or needs a restart every. single. day.

Also, I need to clean the giant suckhole that my desk has become. It's ... not good. I should probably also feed the baby, take a shower, and get Sprout up. And, oh, start working.