Seriously. I HAD PLANS for this summer, and we've been busy every freakin weekend except uh. 2? And one of them was this past weekend.

It's been good, we've seen lots of friends and stuff all summer so that's been excellent. I finally got to see Dannette & Charles' new house (love it!) and then there were SMORES on the 4th. So good.
There was a game day. There have been birthday parties. We have a new front door. And a new dining room floor and hallway. The CLOSET DOORS WORK for the first time in literally a decade.

I got a bug up my backside last week, and pulled something like 20 or 30 shirts I used to wear to work out of my closet. Some of them don't fit, some of them are things I'll just never wear again. There are still plenty I probably won't wear again, but I think I dropped that number by close to half.

We saw Inside Out a couple of weeks ago. LOVE. SO LOVE.

Haven't seen Ant Man yet.

My nieces were here all week! The kids had a lot of fun together, and then J and I took the 4 kids to the beach (natural bridges down by Santa Cruz) on Saturday, where I failed my 'Apply sunscreen properly' roll, but fortunately only on myself. I have the weirdest (if mild) sunburn.

Husband took the kids to see Minions yesterday, after Andrew took the girls home. I have pretty much zero interest in seeing the movie, so I stayed home and DID ALL THE THINGS.

  • Washed all the laundry, including the full of sand stuff from the beach.
  • Got the ice chests put away.
  • Cleaned the entire kitchen (including an unload and reload of dishwasher)
  • Folded most of the laundry.
  • Removed a crappy, broken, filthy, disgusting, ancient light fixture in the garage.
  • Replaced it with a shiny, new, LED fixture that works.
  • Cleaned out the last of the bins from the dining room remodel.
  • Took all the bins out to the garage and stacked them neatly.
  • Sorted some old towels and stuff to go out to donate, emptying nearly half a shelf in the hall closet.

While the girls were here, we also watched the first 6 Harry Potter movies (I'd only seen the first one). We watched 7.1 last night, maybe the last one will be tonight.

Also the kids got to film Signing Time! sentences! SO AWESOME. The kids were great, Rachel and Aaron and Iffer were terrific to work with, and I can not WAIT to see the final thing. We got to meet up with Colleen & family so hopefully there'll be some shots of our kids together, too. SQUEE.